Is Depression Holding You Or Your Child Back From Living Fully?

Are you looking for inpatient depression treatment? Perhaps you are the parent of a child or teen who is demonstrating signs of depression. For instance,

· Are they suddenly having trouble at school or with friends?

· Do unexplained body aches, pains, or illnesses prevent your child from going to school?

· Do they suffer from low self-esteem or see themselves as a failure?

· Is your child experiencing angry outbursts or unhealthy changes in their behaviors?

· Perhaps they are becoming socially distant, withdrawing from family and friends.

·  Or maybe they are engaging in substance use or talking about running away—or even death.

Are you an adult who is struggling with a constant, pervasive sense of sadness that bleeds into every aspect of your life?

·  Do you feel negative, helpless, or empty inside?

·  Does it seem as if life no longer has any meaning or purpose?

·  Do you have difficulty sleeping well, eating properly, or concentrating?

·  Are you constantly looking for depression treatment centers near you?

·  Is the sadness causing problems at work or in your relationships?

·   Are you struggling to find pleasure in the things that once gave you joy?

·    Are you irritable or easily annoyed as if everything others do bothers you?

·    Do you feel like you’re a failure, unlikable, or just not good enough?

Looking for help in managing your depression?

Our compassionate therapist is here for you.

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Clinical depression interferes with nearly every aspect of a person's daily life, whether you are a child or an adult. Over time, you can develop a very negative, pessimistic view of the world, one in which you see yourself as not good enough, unlovable, or incapable of ever doing anything right.

However, you are valued and loved. And at Weston Family Psychology, our inpatient depression treatment center can offer you evidenced-based solutions and support for healing and finding happiness. Whatever you or your child are going through, our talented team of clinicians can help you reclaim a sense of normalcy and empower you to live with confidence and peace.

We All Occasionally Feel Blue—But Depression Is Very Different | inpatient depression treatment

Everyone will eventually experience a period of sadness in their lives. However, if you are living with mild to severe depression, it can feel like you are alone in the world—but that is far from the truth.

Major depression accounts for the #1 cause of disability in the US affecting over 17 million adults nationwide.* And though the harmful impact of major depressive disorders is widely recognized, many people do not realize that depression on any level can have a negative effect on their life. That’s why even mild depression symptoms or prolonged sadness (also known as Dysthymia) is just as important to understand and treat.

Depression can be the result of many different elements, including biological factors, major life transitions, personal challenges, relationship changes, or the loss of a loved one. Moreover, past neglect as well as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse can also act as precursors to depression, especially in children and teens. And because many young people already face a host of external pressures from social media, peers, and academics, those stressors can exacerbate issues of low self-worth.

When you are depressed, it’s as if you are staring at the world through muddied glasses that make everything appear unnerving and unsettled. Over time, you can begin to buy into negative assumptions about yourself or the world, making it seem like nothing or no one can help. However, with the support and guidance of an inpatient depression treatment, you can gain clarity, find sustainable healing, and enjoy a more fulfilling, meaningful life.

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Evidenced-Based Depression Treatment Puts You In Control Of Your Thoughts—And Your Life

People who are sufferers of depression tend to develop inaccurate and unhelpful automatic thoughts about themselves, others, and the world in general. Generally, these automatic thoughts are the results of core beliefs activated by adversity, difficult life events, circumstances, or stressors.

Fortunately, our inpatient depression treatment can help counter those beliefs and heal old wounds using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a goal-oriented, evidence-based method for overcoming depression. In fact, CBT is thought to be equally as effective as medication for keeping the symptoms of depression from recurring after treatment.

The basis for the CBT model for depression treatment is founded on the idea that how a person thinks (cognition), feels (emotion), and acts (behavior) all interact together. In other words, our thoughts determine our feelings and our behavior.

CBT teaches you to recognize unhelpful thinking styles and negative beliefs (cognitive distortions/automatic thoughts) in order to better understand and deal with emotions before they become too intense or overwhelming. Some examples of cognitive distortions include overgeneralizing, all-or-nothing thinking, rejecting the positive, minimizing (or maximizing) the importance of events, taking things too personally, and self-labeling thoughts, such as ‘I’m a loser.’

Similarly, for teens and children, CBT helps kids understand the negativity of their thought patterns and teaches them how to replace them with a positive, self-affirming perspective. Discovering new ways of looking at thoughts and feelings helps a child improve their ability to cope and respond differently when faced with stressful situations.

Inpatient depression treatment can give your child realistic strategies to help them challenge self-defeating thoughts, self-regulate their emotions, and cultivate greater impulse control (against tantrums, meltdowns). Your child can improve their sense of self-worth, develop new problem-solving skills, and learn strategies that will help them throughout their life.

In addition to CBT strategies, our depression treatment center often utilizes aspects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This powerful intervention uses mindfulness practices to help you increase awareness and develop an attitude of acceptance in the presence of painful thoughts and emotions.

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ACT helps you manage unhelpful thinking and creates movement and commitment toward valued living. It can be helpful in the management of emotions and thoughts related to depression that can be difficult to cope with. And ACT teaches you to no longer fight your painful emotions and thoughts and instead become an observer of these experiences, as if watching the clouds in the sky pass by.

While making changes can feel overwhelming and challenging, our inpatient depression treatment specialists realize it is crucial to create a safe and trusting environment that will allow you or your child the space and comfort to open up about painful and negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences. As your level of trust and comfort grows, we will discuss early experiences that may contribute to core beliefs.

We’ll also explore current challenges with depression and its impact on you or your child (if you are a parent) in everyday life. Then we’ll work on identifying any negative thought processes or behavioral responses to stressful situations with the goal of modifying and reversing those unhelpful patterns.

Depression lies to you and tries to steal your joy, excitement, enthusiasm, hope, and happiness. It has a way of making everything look hopeless and bleak. But, with our evidenced-based treatments, you will learn to identify your value, embrace your worth, and learn that you indeed can overcome your struggles.

Our talented team will guide you to learn to think differently and to enjoy living in the present moment. Whether you are the parent of a child or an individual seeking counseling for depression, having a competent, trusting, and compassionate therapist at your side can empower you to live with greater hope and confidence in the years to come.

Let Us Help You Re-Imagine Yourself | inpatient depression treatment

If you would like to stop the cycle of negative thoughts and start living according to who you truly are, please call our depression treatment center at (954) 869-9907. We would love to set you up with an initial appointment or answer any questions about our practice or approach to depression treatment.


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